Fulton Street Pedestrian Mall & Transitway

This eight-block long transitway and pedestrian mall extends through the heart of the Brooklyn downtown shopping district, from Flatbush Avenue to Borough Hall. The project, which began with subsurface investigations, developed a pedestrian mall by narrowing the roadway and limiting peak hour traffic to buses and emergency vehicles. The pedestrian mall and transitway provide a continuous link to above and below grade.
Street furniture and equipment that were specially designed for the project include large, free-standing canopies, vendors’ kiosks, directory and telephone kiosks, and high mast lighting. The graphics program, which was also designed for the project, consists of informational, directional and street signage.
Fulton Street Pedestrian Mall has became a stimulus and focus for the rebirth of Brooklyn’s Downtown Business District. It has inspired significant developments including the Metrotech and Long Island University expansions, as well as important cultural activities such as B.A.M.
Albert S. Bard Award for Merit in Architecture and Urban Design, The City Club of New York
Street Value, Meredith TenHoor and Rosten Woo, Princeton Architectural Press